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Background to the proposals

Whilst we appreciate local residents know a lot about the history of the site, it does help to just clarify a few of the facts that form the background to the emerging plans which are:

• The site totals approximately 0.7 hectares (1.7 acres) and includes the building fronting Bath Road (no. 493-
499) as well as the land to the rear, up to Tramway Road.

• The building is currently empty having been vacated earlier this year by the retailer that used the premises
for storage for a number of years.

• In 2014, Bristol City Council allocated the site for residential redevelopment. Sovereign acquired the site in 2016, and since then they have employed a number of specialist consultants to assess the site.

• Surveys in relation to building condition, ground conditions, ecology, trees, noise, archaeology and traffic / parking have all been undertaken. The results of these surveys have all helped to inform the emerging proposals shown today.