Sovereign is an organisation that provide affordable homes for people that need them.
The company is one of the largest housing associations in England with ownership and responsibility for circa 55,000 homes across the south and south west of England, accommodating approximately 130,000 residents in a range of affordable rent, shared ownership and private rental properties.
Sovereign are a selected member of the West of England and Bristol City Council’s Housing Delivery Panel
As well as being a housing association, Sovereign are also a registered charity. At the heart of Sovereign’s ethos is the principle of ensuring that the homes, communities and services they provide help people to live the best life they can. This means thinking about how properties are designed, improved and maintained to provide comfort at a cost that is affordable for residents.
Beyond the construction of developments, Sovereign are always committed to maintaining close engagement with residents – both within their developments and neighbours – to help to build and maintain strong local communities.
Within Brislington, earlier this year, Sovereign completed the Lynwood Park development at 623-625 Bath Road, which is now fully occupied. This development won a 2017 Bristol Civic Society award.
Residents and representatives of Sovereign's planning team at the engagement event on Tuesday 11th July