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Consultation Feedback

The aim of the community involvement is provide local people and businesses with the opportunity to comment and share their feedback on the proposals. This will be used by the professional team to develop and inform the design.

Whilst there is no immediate timescale for the application, the feedback deadline, either from the event (see below) or through the web site, is Friday 21st August 2015.

It is the intention of the community involvement consultant to keep local residents and businesses up to date on the application as it evolves.

Please let us have your feedback in one of the following ways:

On this web site. You can comment on the whole scheme as well as commenting on specific elements of the scheme through the web site lick the by clicking the "Have your say" button on the main menu.
Community Involvement Event: Come along to the community involvement event on Thursday 6th August at The Jubilee Hall, Alveston, 4.-7.30pm. 
Let us keep you informed of future developments on this project.

Register your interest here by clicking the "Keep updated" button or on the main menu.