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Planning application to increase social/affordable housing

During the Carriageworks Consultation, community engagement has consistently requested more social and affordable homes on the site. Following ongoing discussions with CAG, PG is delighted to announce that a Full Planning Application has now been submitted to create 28 additional social/affordable homes on the land previously allocated to 8 houses split between Blocks E & F on the current permission. 

This would mean the development now provides a total of 38 affordable/social homes including the existing 10 units in Block D. There will be a mix of tennures and if planning permission is granted, the units will all be managed by Sovereign Housing  Association.

The full details of the application can be found here. This is BCC Planning Portal.

As always, discussions with CAG are ongoing. The PG Group has already included many of CAGs suggestions in the current application:  

  • A clearer explanation of heights and provision of red lines on the attached elevations to show existing and proposed heights as shown on the plans below. 
  • Set back of elevation to Brigstock to provide landscaped garden space for residents as on existing permission
  • Increased daylight to basement flats
  • Projecting bays along the elevation overlooking Hepburn Road/Kuumba Centre as on existing permission
  • The materials and cladding element of the proposed scheme has now been provided
  • Appropriate NDSS (space standard) and Lifetime Homes Standard now applied to all units
  • Other points you raised included waste, security, access and noise, all of which have been covered in detail, as expected, in the planning application.